Category Archives: Inspiration

My Blessed Buddy


My Grandmother’s name is Jeanette but we call her Buddy. Everyone calls her Buddy. They have called her Buddy for most of her life. When I examine this wonderful woman’s life, I see a vessel spilling over with joy. My memories of her are warm smiles, bubbly laugh, hugs and a work ethic that amazes me even now that she is in her 80s. She still volunteers at the hospital and cares for all the people in her life when she can.


My Grandmother and I are wrapped in a bond that I cannot quite describe. When I experience a traumatic event I rely on her Faith. Although she is not physically with me, I draw her strength into my being and know I can handle anything. This bond makes me understand more each day that the spirit and spunk that is part of me was passed from my Grandmother to my Mom and then to me.

Me, Mom, Grandma

My Grandmother is generous, loving and kind. She is also a woman who is opinionated and direct. I think she might have the ability to grant eternal forgiveness or curse those who do not adhere to the tenants that the God I was raised with demands of us. My Grandmother taught me truth when it comes to religion and a spiritual life. We must follow and set the example in lieu of worshipping and putting on pomp and circumstance. I love that she is a devout Catholic in a true sense of who Jesus would want all of us to be. I love that her devotion has touched my life helping unite me and a God that I understand in my daily life. As my Grandmother, my Blessed Buddy, reminds me, This Too Shall Pass. Time is a gift that God bestows upon us, an infinite endless eternal moment and a life that happens in the blink of an eye. If there is one lesson I carry with me from my Grandmother it is this-


Celebrate life wherever you find yourself with whoever is with you, and know that we are infinitely loved even when God throws us a curve ball. My Grandmother has definitely experienced plenty of those and walked through them with grace. Her laugh rings in my ears and my heart. I thank God for her every day and the love that we share. My life is truly blessed because of Buddy.


The snow has been plentiful this season. Myriad individual flakes piled up to create a fluffy blanket.


Bitter cold created sparkling white glitter. While warmer temperatures brought snowcone slush. Gravity worked on the moisture, forming delicate daggers dripping so slowly that my camera could not catch them.


Observing the snow changing made me aware of transformation. Transformation: a thorough or dramatic change in appearance or form. Water takes many forms and appearances. Vapor, Clouds, Flakes, Slush, Ice …


Although it takes on many forms in many different places, over 95% of the water found on earth is found in the ocean. I have felt the fearful joy of being completely immersed by this seemingly infinite amount of water. It was an experience that reinforced my insignificant, significance on this planet. It was the place I felt most connected to the whole while realizing I am only a minute player in the grand scheme.


The snow transforming made me think about my own transformation. From an innocent babe with soft skin; to a kiddo who’s skin had to toughen up; to a young lady who wore her heart on her sleeve and wondered why it got broken. Now I am at a new stage in my life. I see the laugh lines around my eyes which remind me of all the good times. There are more stray strands of silver streaking my hair. They are a vivid reminder that my time here is limited.


I feel compassion creeping into my soul as I live through more experiences and relate to the struggles we all go through. Maybe the real reason I am focused on transformation is because I am staring a birthday in the face. I welcome the coming year knowing that just like water is transformed by forces greater than it, my next transformation is inevitable and will be driven by forces greater than me. It is this awareness that keeps me in the present moment able to appreciate the beauty of nature and the passion of life.



I woke up thinking about healing. The definition of healing that I dig is growing sound. Grow- increase, mature, come into existence. Sound- free from damage, firm, solid. Healing is a process. Certain conditions must take place for healing to happen. Healing is also an abstract idea that encompasses more than the eye can behold. Two more thoughts came to my mind. At what age did I get the idea that I was no longer growing? I am now grown up. What does that even mean? I don’t know and have decided I don’t want to know. Instead I want to be healing or growing sound. Coming into existence free from damage. That is what I will reach for. That is a concept I can truly wrap my mind and heart around.

No Worries

My Worry Stone hanging out in my hibiscus tree. He's attempting to take a break from worry for the holidays by doubling as an ornament.

My Worry Stone hanging out in my hibiscus tree. He’s attempting to take a break from worry for the holidays by doubling as an ornament.

My Mama gave me a worry stone years ago. She told me whenever I have a worry whisper it to this little guy, then rub the smooth spot on the back of his head and he will work on making it go away. Some people carry worry stones in their pockets. I hang mine in my bathroom so I see it every morning and night. Many of the stones are pretty, polished gemstones. Mine is a dollop of clay with a seriously cute face.

This year it struck me that this stone would make a nice ornament for the holidays. I am not decorating a traditional tree this year so I hung him on the hibiscus tree that lives indoors during the winter. He dangles from a sturdy stem, peaking out from the leathery green leaves catching a glimpse of almost everything that happens in the house. How could there be a worry in such a lively spot? This season he will act as a symbol of healing all the worries of the world.